I've been published in magazines and in newspapers, but this is my first time having my writing, accompanied by my art, in a physical publication! It was a joy to be included with other artists I recognize and know personally as we all spoke to how Motherhood intersects with our art practice.
An Artist and a Mother
Edited by Tara Carpenter Estrada, Heidi Moller Somsen, and Kaylan Buteyn
Published by Demeter Press
"An Artist and a Mother is a book of visual artworks and essays that speak to the diverse ways artists balance creative life with the demands of mothering. It includes thirty seven essays describing the work of thirty-nine international artists and an art collective, as well as a resource guide with books, journals, magazines, organizations, and other resources. This book seeks to highlight the growing body of artist mothers who are making visually and conceptually interesting artwork not just despite their status as mothers, but often because of the inspiration and challenges that come with motherhood."